Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Study On Advancing Entrepreneurial Skills And Abilities...

KEABETSWE PHUTHEGO 200903371 ELB 504 GUIDED STUDY IN BUSINESS EDUCATION TOPIC: ADVANCING ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS AND ABILITIES THROUGH THE USE OF SIMULATION GAMES IN SECONDARY SHOOL BUSINESS EDUCATION DUE DATE: 8 APRIL 2016 INTRODUCTION What can we as teachers do to influence our learners to become entrepreneurs? The government of Botswana has been over the years working tirelessly in trying to curb unemployment more especially among the youth, as well as motivating them to venture into different kinds of businesses as a way encouraging entrepreneurship and trying to diversify the country’s economy which is highly reliant on diamond exports. This includes among other things, coming up with initiatives such as the Youth Development Fund (YDF) which exists to fund youth businesses to help fight unemployment and poverty. One of the programs of late is the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) which aims at up-skilling and up-scaling unemployed youth among one of its many mandates. Again, there is the Citizen Entrepreneurship Development Agency (CEDA) which aims at providing financial and technical assistance to citizens to develop their businesses (CEDA, 2016). Not only does CEDA offer financial assistance to developing businesses but also to already existing ones. What is more, it also offers training, mentorship and advisory services to new entrepreneurs as well as those that have been in the industry for a while. It is however worrisome how some of the youth businesses

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